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Managing our coastal waters initiative (EMSAC) update

An International consortium of marine capability clusters called EMSAC (of which Marine South East is a partner) met at the recent Oceanology International (OI) conference for a workshop and networking event.

The day was hosted by Marine South East, SEEDA, Pole Mer Bretagne (France) and Pole Mer PACA (France).

The EMSAC consortium focuses on the need for coastal waters to be monitored and protected from risks as a result of the increased value of marine resources for renewable energy, living resources, materials and recreation.

The EMSAC project aims to develop an action plan looking at challenges and opportunities in marine renewable energy, coastal monitoring, risks from sea level rise and resource mapping.

Around 20 delegates attended the workshop event held in March at OI and a further 60 delegates attended the networking reception also held at OI.

If you would like to receive more information about the EMSAC project please contact Simon Powell at

Posted 2010-03-19 16:41:00

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