
Please select an ongoing project from the list below:
- Current Projects
- Space2Waves - Opportunities for SMEs working in earth observation technologies to internationalise
- FLO-MAR: Use of Flow batteries in zero emissions shipping
- PESO: Port Energy Systems Optimisation
- SPIDS: Shore Power Infrastructure to Decarbonize Shipping
- PERISCOPE: Innovative partnerships for business development in Blue Growth in the North Sea Region
- MarLEM: Marine Logistics Engineering and Management
- INdiGO: Innovative fishing gear for Ocean
- Atlantic Blue Port Services: Innovative Port Services for Ships Polluted Water Management
- SeaBioComp: Bio-based composites for the marine environment
- KETMaritime: Key Enabling Technologies in the Maritime sector
- CLINSH: Clean shipping for inland waterways
- ICE: Intelligent Community Energy for remote locations
- Recently Completed
- South Coast Centre of Excellence in Satellite Applications
- Blue Belt Technology Roadmapping
- SpaceWave: Using Earth Observation data to enable Blue Economy Growth
- ERASMUS OnBoard Project: Development of technical profiles and training curriculum for the ports and logistics sector
- HEVIMA: Hybrid Electric Propulsion systems for small commercial vessels
- OPEC: Offshore Platform for Energy Competitiveness
- ENTROPI: Enabling technologies and roadmaps for offshore platform innovation
- PLAXX: innovative new marine fuel
- COLUMBUS: Knowledge Transfer for Blue Growth
- MOVE: Monitoring for Operational Vessel Efficiency
- Rampion Offshore Wind Farm Supply Chain Project
- SOFA: Autonomous Ocean Sampling Networks
- EXPOSURES: New marine information ecosystem looking at scour, erosion and silting
- I-Port: Optimising Intermodal Freight Transport
- REMCAP: Developing European Maritime Resources
- Arctic IAP: Situational Awareness Service
- SAMED: Screw anchors for marine energy and aquaculture applications
- BEEMS: Building European Environmental and Maritime Skills
- GLEAMS: Glycerine fuel engine feasibility
- WaveSentry: Advanced Sea-State measurement and forecasting
- EMSAC: Managing coastal waters
- WICO: Small wind systems for coastal areas
- SMARTA: Sustainable profitability project
- PROPOSSE: Short-sea shipping project