A new European funded project to share knowledge and experience regarding the deployment of small wind energy systems along coastlines has been launched with partners from Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.
The main goal of the WICO project is to work with the European partners in Spain, Italy and the UK to share knowledge and experience for the deployment of small wind energy systems along coastlines.
The WICO project consists of work packages whose main activities are:
* Analysis of the barriers affecting the application of small wind systems
* Assessment of the potential development of wind energy in the areas
* Exchange of experiences and best practices between the partners specifically looking at policies, market development and technologies
* Drafting of guidelines for the deployment of renewable energy from small wind systems
* Joint communication and paper free dissemination
The WICO project partners are Marine South East from the UK, the Province of Ravenna from Emilia-Romagna in Italy and the Diputacion Huelva in Andalucia in Spain.
Regular newsletters will be produced informing interested parties of the progress of the WICO project.
If you'd like to keep up to date with news of the WICO project make sure you sign up to receive the project newsletters.
Just weeks after the launch of WICO, the European funded project has been accepted as a partner of the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign which brings with it many benefits.