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Inspiring Young People: Our Future Workforce - Conference Tuesday 22nd June 2010

Tuesday, 22nd June 2010

A conference bringing together business leaders and educational professionals in Southampton and South West Hampshire, alongside young people themselves to have A Big Conversation to consider how we Inspire Young People and prepare them to be Our Future Workforce.

The big conversation aims to:
* Engage business leaders and education professionals in a dialogue about globalisation and the changing nature of work and careers
* Consider how education and business best work together to prepare young people for lifelong employability
* Develop an action plan focusing on how we inspire and equip young people to play their full part in tomorrows' workforce, whilst laying the foundations that enable some to become leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs
* Develop world-class skills and together grow the City Region economy

Who should attend?
* Business Owners, Leaders and Managers
* Head teachers, Principals and Senior Education Professionals from Schools, Colleges and Training Providers
* Leaders from key Strategic and Representative Bodies, (Local Authorities, 14-19 Consortia, Business and Economic Development Agencies etc)
* Young people

Time: 8:30am - 13:00pm followed by a networking buffet lunch.

Venue: The Grand Harbour DeVere Hotel, West Quay Road, Southampton

There is no charge for this conference.

To confirm your attendance, please complete a booking form from and return it to Gill Rutherford

Places are limited and a late cancellation fee of £50 will be applied to cancellations after 7th June or non-attenders.

This event is organised by Solent Education Business Partnership working with Business in the Community, with support from Solent and Southampton Universities, local authorities and 14-19 Consortia of Southampton, Eastleigh, New Forest and Winchester.

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Posted 2010-05-21 12:23:47

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