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Funding to help companies access greater support for training

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Solutions, a Hampshire based training and skills partnership, has recently secured funding from the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) to help boost its research of training and skill needs of 10,000 local employers.

The research will help give the partnership, of nine leading training providers, a unique insight into common training needs and barriers to training activity. Solutions will investigate skills and training requirements, recruitment and retention issues, and the impact of these issues on a business and its bottom-line.

In addition, the research will ask what would allow the company to act to address training shortfalls.
Initial research has identified some areas where local businesses want training support and these include; literacy and numeracy; management and supervisory skills; communications or IT skills; soft skills such as team working; and job specific skills.

Anna Wood, Solutions Project Director is impressed with the attitude of companies to training. “It is encouraging to see that many companies are planning or providing training for their employees, either in-house, or through a local college, or by using a private training provider. However, many businesses do need support to overcome difficulties which act as barriers to training. Difficulties could include time, finance, and lack of knowledge of training opportunities and who could locally supply the training. By providing personal advice and support we hope to help overcome these.

“The important issue is that not all needs are the same, and we take time to ensure the specific requirements of companies and delegates are addressed. This funding will help us to achieve our aim to support local businesses and to continue to supply excellent training and advice which is suited to Hampshire and Isle of Wight businesses.”

Set up in 2006, Solutions offers ‘one-stop’ access to nine leading training providers’ wide-ranging knowledge, expertise and resources. Solutions approach to training is characterised by emphasis on providing practical and credible results. Solutions also aim to support small and medium sized as well as larger businesses in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

For further information on our range of training courses or to discuss your training needs please contact an advisor at Solutions - The Training and Skills Partnership, on telephone 023 8065 2588 or visit

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Posted 2007-11-02 10:08:10

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