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Blue Growth Update 2018: Opportunities and Collaboration in the Blue Economy, 14th March 2018, OI London

This session will overview of Blue Growth opportunities for business, showcase selected companies that have invested in the emerging Blue Economy, and explore how clusters can actively promote these opportunities.

The session will be split into three parts:

* Blue Growth global update from organisations working across the Blue Economy internationally:

* American perspective: The Maritime Alliance (USA)
* European perspective: Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique (France)

* Business Case Studies: Highlighting companies who have invested in and benefited from expanding into the Blue Economy, including:

* Maritime information services
* Autonomous systems
* Energy
* Aquaculture

Collaboration & financing opportunities (led by Marine South East) to highlight a range of collaborative projects and financing mechanisms, followed by a facilitated panel discussion to spotlight some take-away opportunities.

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Posted 2018-02-09 16:45:37

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