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Halfway point for REMCAP; a project looking at ways to expand innovation and investment across a number of maritime sectors

Marine South East’s ‘REMCAP’ (Resource Efficient Maritime Capacity) project, aims to capitalise on the commercial opportunities that arise from increasing demand for maritime resource management.

The project is focused on expanding the capacity for innovation and investment across some key growth markets including offshore wind; ocean energy; aquaculture; and sea bed mining.

At the half-way point in REMCAP, twenty representatives from maritime clusters in Portugal, Ireland, Sweden, Lithuania, France and the UK gathered for a two-day General Assembly meeting at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton.

For the first 18 months of REMCAP the partners have been collaborating to produce:

* 'Regional action plans' for each participating cluster region, focused on alignment of regional priorities on growth potential in maritime resource efficiency; and equally on how each region's cluster could enhance its capability as a catalyst of innovation.
* A joint action plan shared by all the partner regions, highlighting the priorities for extending European innovation capacity in maritime resource efficiency; and to establish an evidence base in support of investment, comprising an assessment of innovation barriers such as access to finance, and identification of RTD priorities.

As the project moves into its second phase the focus moves onto developing a range of activities to implement the action plans.

These will include workshops to highlight innovation priorities and funding options, leading to consortium building to help companies diversify into these growth markets.

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Posted 2014-07-31 08:23:49

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