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World's first marine engine running on glycerine attracts crowds at Seawork

The world's first marine engine to be run using the exceptionally clean fuel of glycerine was successfully demonstrated at Seawork for the GLEAMS project which is being project managed by Marine South East.

For the duration of the exhibition visitors were able to see the glycerine fueled marine engine operating aboard an Alicat workboat owned by Dalby Offshore.

The project's test engine, a Cummins C44-D5 generating set was displayed as a 'stand-alone' system with emissions monitoring equipment providing real-time analysis of exhaust gas. By operating on a 'dual-fuel' system visitors were able to see the significant reduction in emission levels when the engine was switched from diesel to glycerine operation.

Additionally, the project's second 'Can my vessel run on this?' workshop was held in the Seawork Conference facility. The keynote presentation 'Shipping Visions on the Horizon' was given by Dr Paul Gilbert (University of Manchester) who spoke of the challenges faced by the maritime sector in meeting the forthcoming emissions legislation and possible ways to mitigate its impact.

Professor Pat Harvey (University of Greenwich) described the 'Glycerol Supply Chains' and the work being done to establish them. This included the production of glycerol from microalgae.

John McNeil (Aquafuel Research) spoke on 'Glycerine -Fuel?' and presented the results of the formal emission tests which have been conducted by Redwing Environmental on the project's Cummins marine engine.

David Blake (Business Development, Alicat Workboats) spoke about the considerable interest the GLEAMS engine had attracted from designers, engineers and operators who had visited the Alicat Workboat.

The presentations file from the 'Can my ship run on this?' can be downloaded from 'GLEAMS Interest Group' web site which is free to join at:

The GLEAMS project has already attracted global interest from vessel operators, engine manufacturers and bunker providers as well as people keen to learn about this sulphur-free alternative fuel.

The GLEAMS (Glycerine for Engines and Marine Sustainability) Project is co-funded by the Technology Strategy Board and MOD's Defence Science and Technology Laboratory with the objective to validate and certify the use of glycerine as a marine fuel. The project is being managed by Marine South East.

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Posted 2014-06-19 19:54:25

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