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WICO Guidelines to be presented at EU Sustainable Energy Week 14th April 2011

The Guidelines to promote the deployment of small wind systems along European Coastlines will be presented during the EU Sustainable Energy Week taking place in Brussels in April 2011.

The WICO presentation will take place on Thursday 14th April from 10.00-13.00 at the Emilia-Romagna Region Representation in Brussels, Avenue de l'Yser, 19-1040 Brussels (1st Floor).

To attend the conference please follow the link:

WICO, a project financed from the INTERREG IVC POWER Programme is aimed at promoting the development of a low carbon economy and the reduction of greenhouse emissions.

The WICO partners - Province of Ravenna (lead partner) from Italy, Diputacion Huelva from Spain and Marine South East from the UK have identified small wind systems as a possible technology which is capable of integration with other types of Renewable Energy Systems, to exploit renewable resources such as onshore and offshore coastal winds and urban airstreams.

As part of the project the partners have collected data from strategically placed anemometers and pilot installations and conducted in depth research into the national policies, markets and technological background to produce Guide Lines to encourage the deployment of small wind systems to generate viable renewable energy.

The WICO presentation at the conference will be introduced and chaired by Mr Andrea Mengozzi, Energy and Environment Councillor of the Province of Ravenna.

The agenda will include:

* Welcome - Mr Vittorio Prodi Honourable Member of the EU Parliament Environment Commission

* Presentation of the POWER Programme - Ms Janet Borgers , POWER Programme Secretariat

* Presentation of the WICO Project and overview of the Guide Lines - Larry Parker, Energy Agency Diputacion de Huelva

* The WICO experience in steering policies and simplifying procedures to encourage the deployment of small wind systems - Marco Bacchini, Province of Ravenna

* Barriers preventing the deployment of small wind systems and economic advantages - Simon Powell, Marine South East

* Development, evolution and technical characteristics of small wind systems - Francesco Matteucci, Provice of Ravenna

* The contribution of ENEL.SI to the development of the WICO project - Adriano Sabene, ENEL.SI

* Conclusions - Enrico Cocchi - General Director of programming and European relations of Emilia-Romagna Region

This will be followed by a panel discussion including the participation of the tourism association of the Province of Ravenna bringing their considerations on the project following their direct involvement in testing small wind turbines.

The Guide Lines will be distributed to all participants and a buffet lunch will be offered at the end of the conference.

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Posted 2011-03-28 12:45:24

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