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Vattenfall inaugurates world’s largest offshore wind farm at Thanet in Kent

Vattenfall officially opened the world’s largest offshore wind farm, Thanet Offshore Wind Farm, off England’s south east coast at the end of last month. The wind farm has 100 turbines and will generate electricity equivalent to the annual consumption of over 200,000 British households.

Thanet is so far the company’s largest offshore wind farm and a significant investment in renewable energy generation. The electricity generated from the English Channel winds will constitute a significant increase of green energy in the UK and a considerable contribution to Vattenfall’s efforts to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide emissions from its electricity generation.

Marine South East attended the opening ceremony which was held on the Pride of Burgundy with more than 200 guests in attendance including VIPs from DECC, Vestas and Vattenfall.

Some useful conversations took place which could lead to further involvement by Marine South East in this growth industry and it was particularly heartening to learn that the Marine South East initiative with Thanet College and Jobcentre plus to develop a series of short courses to ensure that local people were qualified to apply for jobs on offshore wind installations had been successful.

We will be publishing an article about this new programme shortly.

For more information about the Vattenfall launch please follow the link:

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Posted 2010-09-24 14:30:36

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