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Atkins Ltd appointed environmental consultants to the SMARTA project

SMARTA (Sustainable Marine Transformation and Assessment) is a three year project aimed at helping marine companies in the South East to increase levels of profitability and sustainability.

The targets are achieved by working with marine companies to reduce waste, improve resource efficiency, exploit design opportunities and optimise production processes.

The project is jointly funded by SEEDA and the European Regional Development Fund through the South East ERDF Competitiveness Programme 2007-13.

Through the project, companies are able to access up to 2 days manufacturing consultancy, 5 days environmental consultancy and 5 days design consultancy - all free of charge. Atkins has recently been appointed to deliver the environmental consultancy for the project.

Atkins works with clients around the world to develop sustainable solutions to environmental challenges, focusing on improving environmental management performance, risk and liability management and competitiveness. This delivers savings and efficiencies in time, cost and resources and improves clients' environmental performance, bringing both reputational and financial benefits.

Examples of the areas in which Atkins can work with SMARTA clients are:

* Development of an Environmental Management System (EMS)
* Preparation for ISO14001 accreditation
* Analysis of and recommendations for energy and water usage
* Analysis of and recommendations for waste management process
* Development of a sustainable procurement strategy

Clients are, of course, not restricted to the above examples and are able to use the free environmental consultancy to design tailored programmes to meet their specific requirements.

Clients' design requirements are looked after by WSX Enterprise, who will explore all aspects of design in marine businesses, from packaging to branding to communications.

Design Associates will offer practical, achievable solutions through the Designing Demand programme, delivering up to five days of free consultancy as part of the SMARTA programme.

Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS) offer companies a range of business improvement techniques, relevant to both service and manufacturing companies. MAS experts confidently offer double digit bottom line gains through the use of a number of well proven techniques, an offer which a number of marine businesses have already taken up with astonishing results in improved profitability and efficiency. The SMARTA programme offers marine businesses two free days consultation with MAS SE specialists.

For more information on the SMARTA programme contact Stephen Sharp on 02380 111594, email or take a look at the SMARTA website at

Our next SMARTA promotional event is scheduled for Wednesday 10th November, and you can register to attend via the website, or by calling Jin Sandhu on 02380 111590.

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Posted 2010-09-23 16:03:23

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