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New project looks at potential new short-sea shipping routes

Cargo carrier

Marine South East and the Port of Poole are representing the UK as partners in the recently launched PROPOSSE short-sea shipping project.

The primary aim of the project is to make an evidence based case for creating effective new short-sea shipping routes between the participating regions, which include Portugal (Aveiro), Spain (Gijón), France (Le Havre), Ireland (Cork) and the United Kingdom.

The project has come about due to the growing need to shift increasing amounts of freight traffic from the congested roads of Northern Europe on to alternative modes, including short-sea shipping services. Done properly, these new services could offer users reduced costs and environmental impact of their freight operations.

Through extensive interaction with the freight, shipping sector the project will look at the need and possible usage levels for such routes. Information gathered from the participating countries will be analysed to help identify where scope for new routes exists and if there is likely to be sufficient ongoing demand to persuade shipping companies to instigate and maintain them.

PROPOSSE is an EU co-funded Interreg project within the framework of the Transnational Cooperation Programme Atlantic Area 2007-2013.
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Posted 2009-09-01 11:33:41

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