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Kent marine jobs fair proves a huge success

Dover Skills Festival 08

1,500 young people attended a jobs fair in Dover, which was organised to show the diverse range of career opportunities in the marine sector.

The Duke of Gloucester and the former First Sea Lord, Admiral Lord Michael Boyce, were on hand to help encourage students to consider a life at sea.

"There is a tendency in this country to suffer from what I call sea blindness," said Lord Boyce. "I think any initiative like this is really really important." Lord Boyce, who is now Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, added: "It is important to realise that so much of our lives depend on what comes by sea and there is also the recreational market to consider as well."

Over 95% of all Britain’s imports and exports go by sea. Fifty million people travel to, from and around the UK by ferry each year. We are technological leaders in offshore oil and gas extraction and strong in maritime manufacturing. The Royal Navy is the second strongest Navy in the world and London the world centre for maritime financial and legal services. Development of the oceans for their resources of fish, minerals, oil and renewable energies demands innovative solutions and careful management. Global warming and the need to understand the world’s ecosystems have made research and the study of the Maritime Environment a high priority

The aims of the Kent Marine Festival were to:
- Increase young people’s understanding of the wide variety of opportunities and the skills required by the marine and maritime sectors
- Provide them with an insight of the different roles available, in order for them to make informed choices from the training and qualification routes available to them
- To provide as many ‘hands-on’ activities as possible
- Provide them with clear information on opportunities and progression routes for entry into training in these careers
- Join a national initiative by the Maritime Industry to help raise awareness of opportunities available in the industry today

If you would like to find out more about this skills festival or to get involved with further work contact Anne McNulty on 01843 609 310

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Posted 2008-11-01 20:49:11

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