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Selling Skills for the Marine Industry – A look at new techniques, Wednesday 19 March 2008

Venue: Marine House, Egham

Being good at selling is a big advantage in the competitive market of the marine industry. That is why the BMF Training Department puts a lot of importance in offering you courses on this subject.

One of our selling courses, "Selling Skills for the Marine Industry" is for experienced sales people who want to identify that hidden 'X' factor that determines 'excellence' in selling. This course really is an excellent day out and you go away with many new ideas and an ability to look the selling situation from a different perspective.

Benefits of attending:
- Close more sales negotiations
- Become more effective
- Understand why you are good - your personal 'X' factor

Outline Programme
Relational Selling: What makes you tick?
What makes your customer say 'yes'?
Identifying customer types
Developing customer-focused sales strategies
Building customer loyalty
Closing the sale
Creativity in Selling: Thinking 'outside the box'
Overcoming objections
Problems solving
The Superhero strategy
The 'X' Factor

This course uses the Strength Deployment Inventory to assess your relational strengths and to examine the buying motivations of customers.

The next date for this very successful course is Wednesday 19th March 2008 at Marine House in Egham. The course starts at 9:30 and finishes appx. 16:30. The price of the course is £145.00 + VAT for BMF members and £220.00 + VAT for Non-Members, which is excellent value for a very good day's training.

Go to for further information.

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Posted 2008-02-28 20:18:30

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