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Week dedicated to promoting apprenticeships

The first Apprenticeship Week of its kind was held from 25th – 29th February and helped to raise the profile of Apprenticeships and encourage more employers to use this form of training.

It also reported the achievements of employers and apprentices, with a BBC 'Breakfast' programme highlighting the work of Southampton Yacht Services and one of its apprentices, Alice Le Good. Alice is undertaking an Advanced Apprenticeship and was a Finalist in the 2007 Apprenticeship Awards.

In the last ten years the number of apprenticeship places has risen from 75,000 to nearly 250,000 and is planned to double by 2020, developing a highly skilled workforce able to compete in the global marketplace.

Several key events were held during the week including the Apprenticeships Summit 2008. This reported on the World Class Apprenticeships Review which was published on the 28th January and provided an opportunity for employers and trainers to learn of the dramatic expansion and extensive changes planned for the approval and management of Apprenticeships. The proposals include an Apprenticeship Matching Service, a reform of vocational courses in Colleges and the creation of a National Apprenticeships Service.

The Review highlights the role of employers are at the heart of the scheme. Special emphasis will be given to developing Apprenticeships for Small and Medium size companies (SMEs) and incentives are planned to encourage Employers to develop their workforces through the scheme.

Full details are contained in the Review publication, 'World-class Apprenticeships: Unlocking Talent, Building Skills for All' which can be downloaded from: and
a consultation on the proposals will be taking place until the 31st March 2008. Comments and feedback are welcomed from Employers, Training Providers and other interested parties with details of how to do this given in the publication.

If you would like to be put in contact with marine companies already operating apprentice training schemes to discuss their experiences please e-mail David Rea on or call 023 80111597.

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Posted 2008-02-27 21:37:40

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