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Marenet event focuses on the role of ports in the South East

On the 10th July, the theme was ports and overseas investment at the first of two Marenet events held last month. Doug Morrison, Port Director at ABP Southampton made an excellent presentation to the audience, with insight into where the port has come from and their vision for expansion in the future. The presentation included interesting facts about the growth of the port; the different areas of the business – Cars, Cruises, Containers, Fruit and cargo.

There was also a presentation on UKTI and what it can do for Marine Businesses from David Nichols - UKTI Marine advisor for the South East. David include plenty of information about the various schemes given out and how businesses can benefit from UKTI funding and projects.

There was also a presentation from the Home Office on e-borders and what it will mean for businesses in helping create an integrated and secure border for the 21st century, using new technology to manage more people, more quickly and more securely through our borders

If you would like more information on these presentation go to the Marine South East website where you will find all the presentations from the event.

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Posted 2007-07-23 16:28:40

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