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Interest Groups explained
- Technology: comparative analysis and design studies to improve current technologies related to the treatment of ships effluents and in particular three sub-groups: ballast water, oiled effluents and scrubbers waste
- Economy: provides economic surveys and develops an economy study (business plan) for ships effluents management services for three main subgroups: ballast water, oiled water and scrubbers
- Environmental issues: provides innovative solutions regarding sea water monitoring, forecast services and is developing a model for sea water monitoring in ports, with three sub-groups: remote sensing and in situ techniques (physical and biological parameters), sampling techniques for biological monitoring and development of biological risk assessment model for exemption cases
- Regulations: monitors evolution of IMO and EU regulations for ships effluents and provides contributions to regulatory bodies to improve regulations. It covers two main subgroups: IMO MEPC working group and the EU Sustainable shipping Forum working group
- Booking: analysis and design of new interfaces to facilitate the location of discharge and treatment facilities for classical effluents (oiled water, scrubbers waste and ballast water).
Latest News
Biological Risk Assessment Tool
In the framework of the Atlantic BluePorts project, Bentley Systems has developed a risk assessment tool to help risk experts, national authorities, seaport administrators and ship owners perform risk assessment studies analyzing and supporting ballast water management in European ports. ...(Read More)
Posted on 2021-03-09 10:29:57 By
Ballast Water Exchange and Scrubber Waste - Captain Michael McCarthy
The aim of the Atlantic Blue Ports project is to motivate the maritime community to stop discharge at sea of marine pollutants such as contaminated ballast water and non-compliant scrubber waste. ...(Read More)
Posted on 2021-03-09 10:34:28 By
7th IMarEST Ballast Water Technology Conference, 17th-18th March 2021, online
The 7th IMarEST Ballast Water Technology Conference will bring together global leaders in ship operations, technology development and regulatory compliance to establish the state of the art and examine the path ahead, including the next generation of technologies and practices....(Read More)
Posted on 2021-03-09 10:37:09 By
Innovative Port Services for Ships Polluted Water Management
The "Blue Ports" project is funded by the Atlantic Area Interreg program.
The common goal of the partners is to motivate maritime communities to stop the discharge of effluents at sea by designing innovative and effective port reception and treatment facilities. The project is focusing on oil and ballast water effluents and scrubbers waste. These are the main sources of sea pollution by shipping.
The project has brought together 24 partners from the Atlantic area including:
- Port authorities
- Port reception facility operators
- Public authorities
- Businesses
- Cluster organisations
- National authorities
- Research centres
The consortium is working with relevant organisations gathered in a task force, to find a consensus for ‘adequate’ port reception and treatment facilities which are attractive for ship owners and manageable for ports.
Join the Interest Group to receive updates, details of event and project details.
Contact us for more information:
Fabienne Vallee, Project Leader
+33 2 98 00 38 00
Atlantic Blue Port project partners - led by Brest CCI